Due Diligence

Your Do What You Do & We’ll Take Care Of The Rest.

No venture is successful without proper advance planning. As a sophisticated businessperson, you wouldn’t enter into even a simple transaction without knowing the terrain, much less a transaction as potentially complex as a corporate acquisition. And at the center of any potential acquisition lies your only means to scope out the terrain – due diligence. The difference between professionally completed and thorough due diligence and substandard due diligence can be the difference between success and failure. And with failure can come some very real negative consequences, such as partial or full loss of investment at minimum. Remember, your failure to properly conduct due diligence won’t be excused by the market or by your employer, clients, or business partners. Instead, use our in-depth knowledge of the wireless communications industry and 12+ years of experience in acquisitions in this industry to your advantage.

We offer the following services as part of our Due Diligence Package:

  • Reviewing the potential seller’s real estate lease portfolio, including notice to you of any potentially troublesome lease provisions; and
  • Reviewing the potential seller’s agency agreement with its carrier, including notice to you of any potential issues regarding compensation; and
  • Reviewing the potential seller’s financials, particularly with an eye toward specialized indices such as rent-to-sales ratio, etc.; and
  • Facilitating the execution of any documentation required by the carrier to transfer the potential seller’s compensation stream to you as the buyer.

If your field of expertise lies outside the wireless communications industry, you may not have the specialized knowledge within this industry that you will need to structure a proper due diligence review. Luckily, we do. Call us today and put our knowledge and experience to work for you.